The Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON) remains a great little event. This is the second year Deb Bryant has put the conference together and it seems to have maintained it's level of collaborative excitement. The audience is mostly government IT managers. Unlike other conferences, there seems to be a genuine interest within the presentations themselves to share and learn from one another, as opposed to the discussions being focused out of session in the hallways and BoFs.
I was invited to present this year, and provide some open source fundamentals to their audience. (Well known open source speakers included Brian Behlendorf, Larry Augustin, Stuart Cohen, Corey Shields, Jason McKerr, Bernard Golden, and Ward Cunningham.) I presented "Open Source Economics (and Licensing) in One Lesson". The slides are here. My goal remains dispelling a lot of the mythology and FUD around open source such that the audience realizes they already DO know how to think about, adopt, and grow their use of free and open source software.