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15 May 2005


Sheygets Goyishekop

Aaaah, yes. Wonderful.

I don't mean the content -- it's fine, but I can think about it better when I read it, and we can all read several times faster than we can listen. (Time it with a column of newsprint if you don't believe me.)

It's just that I love hearing your dulcet tones. "Hey! That's Stephe Walli! "

And where'd you get the Chipmunks?

As an intellectual aside, hostile environments don't change mutation rates at all. Not even in bacteria, which is what got Salvador Luria and Max Delbruck perfectly good Nobel Prizes in 1969. The Luria-Delbruck fluctuation test both kicked off the whole field of molecular biology and underscored the fact that natural selection only acts on preexisting variation.

This is true for software, too, which is exactly why, claims I, the cathedral sucks and the bazaar rules.

An equally apposite evolutionary principle here -- helped along by the fact that it, too, is true -- is Sir R. A. Fisher's Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection:

"The rate of increase in fitness of any organism at any time is equal to its genetic variance in fitness at that time."

Like F=ma, this is a qualitatively interesting, quantitative statement.

Fisher, in case you're not a math power user either, invented stuff like "variance" and "heritability" on his way to founding Theoretical Population Genetics. (TPG is to Evolution as Statistical Mechanics is to Thermodynamics.)

Would that someone were studying the evolution of software. No, I do not mean the kinds of stuff you buy at Barnes and Noble or SoftPro Books.

Randall Shimizu

I agree Gluecode is acquistion is good all around for IBM. Gluecode gives IBM the momentum to blunt Jboss and mysql. Now that the SE Wepshere version is open sourced it gives them a strong foothold in the opensource market.

Randall Shimizu

I agree Gluecode is acquistion is good all around for IBM. Gluecode gives IBM the momentum to blunt Jboss and mysql. Now that the SE Wepshere version is open sourced it gives them a strong foothold in the opensource market.

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