I'm heading for the OSDL Enterprise Linux Summit at an ungodly hour in the morning. Monday is tutorials, and Tuesday-Wednesday are the sessions. I am hoping for conference connectivity and will be blogging sessions as I go. If you're also attending the summit and aren't blogging it yourself, I would be happy to funnel your conference reports through here. I used to edit the USENIX standards reports and have a few simple rules:
- Facts are expressed as facts and opinions are clearly marked as opinions.
- I do get to edit things into the best standard Canadian English I can muster as I think necessary.
- Tell me how you want to be attributed. Name? Name and email? Anonymous.
- There is no "correct" format: report on what makes sense to report. The session overall, the discussion, relevant links, whatever.
- I would ask in this case you also include the link from the OSDL Summit web site for the session your reporting so we're all clear on title and presenter.
If anyone is really keen on helping, I can try to figure out how to add an author to the blog for the conference.
I'm staying at the Hyatt.